Friday, April 24, 2009

Colorful Day At Sastra...

Hi ppl, sry for keep waiting u guys these many days..!
Today SASTRA was so colorful with traditional dressing of final year students. Coming to my schedule as usual the day started with boring classes!! First three hours, unix lab, hmmm!! very tough to bare the hotness over there. But thank God! we were left by 10 itself to attend the ACE function held in the Tifac Core conference hall. There, all the ACE office bearers were given certificates by the dean and also to the students who were participated in various events conducted by ACE were also awarded. After this speeches were delivered by honorable guests like SOC-Dean, Mr.Ananta Padmanaban, Mrs.Santhi. By 11.30, I left the hall to attend the classes. Later enjoyed with some seminars given in the class.! Ok frnds that's all for today.... keep checking my blogs....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Let's Try Linux...

Hi friends,
Last week Gloss conducted session called Let's try Linux, Season#1
Firstly let me tell about the agenda of this one week session

Date---------- Agenda

March 30---- Introductory Session
March 31---- Partitions & Installations
April 1----- Drivers Installations
April 2----- Wine & Media Players
April 3----- Networking & File Sharing

The first day Dwarak gave an introduction about what is open source and it's uses. He told about the significance of blogging and showed some famous blogs, which made me to blog frequently these days.! Then, second day-partitions & installation of ubuntu, third day- drivers installations, fourth day-wine & media players and finally the last day ended with networking and file sharing. Including with these things everyday, a community was introduced which made Season#1 more attractive!! Season #1 helped me to know the things and start implementing which I have learned in the mean while. It was very much beneficial to the folks who attended it for the 5 days regularly. This might be one of the most wonderful session taken by Gloss. And I was given a great opportunity for a community talk as already mentioned before in my recent blog. I thank Dwaraknath, our campus ambassador for conducting such a fantastic session.!


Today I am gonna tell about an interesting website, where you can learn c and c++ on your own. Here in this website you have many tutorials about these programming languages which include the basics too. To get involved in this you need not to have a prior knowledge about c++, this is specially for the beginners. Also the people who have passion for programming can even go for quizzes,contests etc; over here. Words are not enough to tell about this site, just visit it and see how useful it is..!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Here I have a very interesting topic to tell-Sending sms through out India for free of cost. The website is There are many websites which supports free sms like, etc etc.. but when compared with other sites, the special features of this site are
1)Registration is very easy.
2)You can manage your own profile.
3)You can blog,comment and even can get clarified the doubts.
4)The message body consists of 100 words.
5)Like in your mobiles, here there are some templates.
6)Can manage your contacts.

So friends hope you all liked this, start smsing through smsloop and get connected with your buddies...