In this blog I'll share with you all the recent updates around me. I dedicate this blog to my dad, mom and my ever supportive brothers Bhaskar and Upender.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
For a successful connection the following steps should be followed.
1)Go to Internet properties and select connect to the network option.
2)Now select set up a connection or network.
3)We get various connections in this,among those select set up a dial up connection.
4)On double clicking we get the rules for setting up the connection such as
i)Dial-Up-Phone number is nothing but the number given by the ISP(Internet Service Provider).
ii)Username is the phone number of land phone being used.
iii)Provide the password given by ISP.
5)Click on the connect button.
6)Now it verifies the user name,password and thus finally connected to dial-up-connection.
This is very much useful to those who live in rural areas.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Me and my laptop
This is my first ever experiment with the web and to giving myself a public visibility. I’ve been longing to create blogs of mine and publish it over the network of networks, yes, Internet I mean. I’ve just got myself a DELL Inspiron 1525 which comes pre-loaded with a genuine Vista Home Premium.
Pretty well, the operating system “
Focusing the academic side, I’ve recently installed the Intel 8085 Simulator which can simulate the assembly codes. The simulator is very well designed, but the sad part of it is that, it comes only with a year of license.
For my designs, I’m basically using Adobe Photoshop which gives me an immense enthusiasm to design wallpapers and art work of my own. I’ve created a few designs played with colors around. It basically took only 2 days to have a working knowledge over it. The rest is given to the hands of Trial and Error..!
I’ve also installed “ 2.4” which is an open sourced collection of applications (a suite) that resembles the Microsoft Office. Hence I’m very well assured that I’m not into pirating things and using them. Such open source products help in destroying piracy and help in the sustaining of humanity.
My friends have already switched over to Linux Ubuntu and I’m also a bit attracted towards it. Major problem in this regard is that, I’m very new to computers and using Linux straight-away is going to be a million dollar question and a thing to happen in the dreams… he he he!!! Not having experience using Linux is also very bad. Hence, I’ve planned to install it in SunVXM Virtual Box.
Where I can install and run Ubuntu inside
For the forthcoming techfests and stuff, I’ve planned to show my talent in the web designing part. As the first step I’ve just started to give a try over HTML and XML.
Please comment on this!